Kachiguda - Nizamabad Special Train
South Central Railway announced new regular special train to Nizamabad
This train will depart everyday Kachiguda at 9.10 AM and arrive Nizamabad at 1.40 PM
in return depart Nizamabad at 2.20 PM and arrive Kachiguda at 7.15 PM
To know all train timings visit this link :
Nizamabad to Sec.bad/Kachiguda trains: Nizamabad To Sec.bad Train Timings
Sec.bad/Kachiguda to Nizamabad trains : Sec.bad To Nizamabad Train timings
looking so good, and all the best...
click the above link to see ap news...
there is no electric way and electric trains.so please remove the trainphoto
pls. give lodging facilities & transportation available to reach @ KCEA, Chepur, or near by Armur,Nizamabad. for the use of tofel examees out of A.P. on top priority pls.-omprakash, Bangalore
Hello Omprakash, KCEA is near to Nizamabad Just 5Kms distance so I suggest you to you can stay at Nizamabad bcoz this is district head quarters and there are so many lodging facilities available to stay. And from Nizamabad so many autos are running to KCEA. Thank you so much for visiting my blog
Hello : thanks for ur suggesstion, But distance to (KCEA)KSHATRIYA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING @ NATIONAL HIGHWAY-16 CHEPUR, ARMUR NIZAMBAD AP 5o3224 is 33 km. but not as u said 5 km as per google map Which Is correct pls confirm
hello omprakash this is ranjith gurwara the distance from nzb to chepur is 35km so i suggest you u can stay at armoor it is distance from chepur is 5 kms but lodging facilities may be normal so if u stay at nzb only 1hr journey will be there by bus so many buses will be avail there.all the best for ur exams
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